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For My Mind is a Melbourne based and owned label, defined by an essence of optimism, positivity and individuality. 


Founded in 2020, arguably the most challenging year we’ve faced thus far, the faces behind the For My Mind brand recognise and acknowledge the obligation we have to ourselves in practicing self-care and love. Thus, our brand is primarily based upon a foundation of acceptance for what is, hope for what is to come, and love for ourselves ALWAYS. 


The world is becoming a significantly busier and more demanding place to be as years pass, particularly this current year. Accepting this, however, does not mean that we have to accept its effects on our happiness and mental health. 


While we believe our products can offer you a safe space from the chaos of the world around us, we all face circumstances unique to us, and not all of us have the opportunity to care for ourselves as we should. Mental health is declining, it is a hard truth that we all face. It is also something we want to make a difference in – in any way we can. So, each month, For My Mind will also be donating 5% from each of your purchases to a mental health or wellness charity, chosen by you. 


We can’t wait to celebrate the beginning of your journey to become a better you! 


Lots of love, 


The minds behind For My Mind.

Chiara, VIC

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The colours are beautiful and I spent hours relaxing and painting. The kit comes with heaps of extra paint too which is a massive bonus!

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